
The old year

2010 was the year
  1. I turned thirty
  2. I submitted the beast and had a subsequent viva
  3. my sister started a 'new life in a new flat'
  4. I continued living with the ex-husband
  5. I broke up and got back together with the boy
  6. I weighed more than every before in my life
  7. I had two different haircuts and colours
  8. the boy graduated and found a job as a banking reviewer (yawn)
  9. I got an officemate after almost two years with ghosts
  10. a Scandinavian retailer decided to give me a job and thereby saving me from poverty
  11. I visited Japan, spending two whole weeks travelling with my sister without arguing once (that's a record)
  12. two of my best friends got dumped
  13. I only visited Norway once and Denmark three times!!
  14. I went to fewer concerts than any other of my post-teenage years
  15. I exercised less and ate more.
Maybe the list for 2011 will be more exciting, let's hope so

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