
Bubble, village, hole

So my favourite librarian, of course I don't include the husband in this category as he is not so by choice, has just written a post which reflects so well on the village I call home for the time being. Although the UK location of moi is not opposed to rap/hip hop or any kind of music being blasted out of a car by some villager (so called because they actually live here and don't just stop for the semesters), windows mostly closed though either cause it is cold (we live by the sea in the middle of the North Sea what do you think!) or cause the music has to be so loud that they will be mountainously deaf when it stops. How they manage to drive in traffic and not crash their cars is beyond me! Anyway this post was not meant as a rant about that, cause that's just a charming fact about UK neds and I for one like having 'normal' people around me, but the bottom line of my current distress is the return for another semester of the little rich girls and guys! I might not have made myself clear in the past, but despite coming from an area of the capital of the homeland that is refuge to the wealthiest in the land, I am not that wealthy myself and my views are generally coloured by a Socialist and Communist, with a dash of Social Democratic values, family. We don't have oil sheiks though, but some of these ppl could very well be...these people who live on the hill! Yet it disgusts me to live in this village of filthy rich princesses and princes, and without them (as it has been for almost a month now) this idyllic village is, well boring but great! Their return from where ever they have been hiding since exams has overwhelmed me once again. Their looks of dismay at anyone looking anything other than out of their moulds simply surprises me every time. Their assumption that they own this, before they arrived, peaceful place is beyond me. I hate them. I know they are kinda my livelihood but I hate them still. They make lines everywhere, they shout loudly in the middle of the street, they walk around without a care in the world...I guess we have hit the core of the issue. I have too many of those at the moment. I want to be them, and I certainly don't want to have to look for a job that might not be available in a few years time as the cuts in university budgets seem more likely than ever. My prospects are not as rosy as theirs and I hate them for it. Although statements such as ' I can't make the field trip this weekend cause I am organising the Fashion Show.' might not be said with such self assuredness anywhere else in the world!


confused said...

Husband or Ex-husband? I need to know which side of the river I'm standing on... For the sake of my sanity...

sunflower said...

Husband and ex-husband is the same person here...he's the only one who I live with, the only one I see every day. He only became ex cause we werent living together anymore, but now we are...so I have returned to the original concept.
Hope that clears things up.

beaverboosh said...

hate is a pretty ugly thing... maybe you should work on despise