

I am freaking out again. The world is closing in and I feel there is nowhere to go, I can't breath or at least the air I pull into my lungs is filled with disgusting particles. It is cutting me up, the blackness inside. The stressful beast haunts me at night, follows me through sunshine or rain, lays heavy on my shoulders so that I cannot move. Yet I move, I keep going, can't stop now - it is too late for that. Too many tasks ahead for this little head of mine to take on board, to process without confusion and stomach pains. Acid reaching very high levels today. Is it this unhealthy life of mine? Probably more like the fact that I am confused by my own inability to write everything in one night. Academia is not meant for me, is it for you? Well you can keep it! I am giving up, at least for tonight. At least for today. Tomorrow will be another day...hopefully


Anonymous said...

But you always have the best anti-depressant kits available, ready to alleviate the pain.

sunflower said...

I don't think I am quite at that stage yet, but I will bear it in mind if need be.

beaverboosh said...

maybe your knickers at too tight

sunflower said...

The counter-question is: What is wrong with tight knickers? :)

beaverboosh said...

well nothing, but if you can't breath and the stressful beast is haunting you, maybe you should go commando...